Thursday 15 October 2015

The Gallows (Film)

October month is definitely ghost movie month! Here's a review for The Gallows, a found-footage kinda movie that we are oh so tired of. And yeah, I didn't watch it at the big screen, just waited for it to be available for download. Saved some bucks.

Why? Because just like any other found-footage type of movie, this one can be described as cliche and typical. There were a few boos and bahs moment which were out of place. Why does a camera footage have these sound effects? I bet CinemaSins would have a great time pointing out everything wrong about this movie, or just give up halfway due to repetitiveness and boredom. This is a movie with a weak storyline with a predictable ending.

Anywaaaaays... Compared to other movies of the same genre... (we're talking bout Quarantine, Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project, Evidence, etc...) The Gallows still needs lots to polish up. However, it managed to keep me interested to keep watching till the end. I'll give it a fair 5/10 since it's not good, and also not to bad. A good movie for a stay home date.

Goosebumps (Film)

Ooooh..! What a busy absence! I'm back for reviews, ladies and gentlemen... This time, it's Goosebumps, the movie.

Honestly it has been ages since Goosebumps the series were aired. I totally have forgotten the details. It was a random decision to watch Goosebumps, as other movies don't seem to appeal. (Seriously, what's with Vin Diesel playing Hobo Witchhunter?). I am also more of a Fear Street fan, rather than the Goosebumps series. For me Fear Street is a little more grownup compared to it.

The movie was alright. It had some funny moments which managed to crack some people up at the cinema. Well, some douche laughed more than it was funny, so I don't know... The characters were fun to watch and the storyline was as simple as a PG13 movie would be.

Nevertheless, I would give the movie a 7/10 rating. I managed to stay up till the end, so it wasn't a wasted movie ticket. Although the movie ended with a chance of a sequel, I honestly think it is better left as is. A sequel would ruin it, trust me.

Saturday 25 April 2015

The Voices (film)

The first thought that came to my mind after I finished the movie was

“Dafaq did I just watch?”

I don’t even remember why I downloaded it. Oh right. Ryan Reynolds. The plot was weak. The graphic was lame and the actors were terrible. This is a seriously bad movie I have no idea how they got these people (Reynolds, Arteson, Kendrick) to star in it. It was total pointless.

Well at least I didn’t sleep on it, so I guess it’s okay to be watched ONCE. I know certain Reynolds movie that I vowed to never watch again. (i.e Buried).

The Voices made me google what the heck is ‘black comedy’, as it was in that genre. I guess they (the producers) tried to make it go  ry, humorous and epic but settled for a weird PG13 movie.

Overall, I’d give it a 5/10. Only coz I managed to stay awake and finish it.

Monday 20 April 2015

From Abandoned to Adored, Neglected Dog Swoons Over New Family | PETA's Blog | PETA

From Abandoned to Adored, Neglected Dog Swoons Over New Family | PETA's Blog | PETA

A better film than Furious 7. Faith in Humanity.

Taken 3 (film)

Nothing much to say about this movie, it's a mirror of the previous two movies of the franchise, although the plot has nothing to do with Taken or Taken 2. (i.e No Arabs were harmed in this one...) The movie was too predictable. I mean, seriously I knew from the beginning who was who and what was to happen.

Taken 3 managed to end it's series in a 'okay' way. No oohs and aahs detected. So yeah,  I still very much prefer the first one.

A 7/10 for me, I guess. Liam Neeson, you could do better.

Furious 7 (film)

Just like Night At The Museum 3, this movie was gloomy. The whole plot, acting, words were... sad...

3/10. For making a movie so... final...

Insterstellar (film)

Hmm... Need to have some deep thoughts before I review this movie.

Kingsman The Seceret Service (film)

My boyfriend literally forced me to watch this movie and i enjoyed it very much! Mace Windu was hilarious as the villain and the kid who played the main character, Eggsy (Taron Eggerton) was kinda cute and hot! This movie kinda reminds me of Percy Jackson and I don't know why.

Kingsman is a modern, casual version of 007 series. The graphics are brutal in a humorous way, the script is funny and the plot is very entertaining. Although it kinda feels like a long advertisement for Moscot, it really did make people wanna dress up more like James Bond. Classy and Elegant. In a good way, of course.

I'd give this a 9/10 for being highly entertaining and amusing. It's been a while since movies became this suspense, thrilling and funny while still maintained a very good story plot.

And of course, It's not everyday we get to see Samuel L. Jackson as the bad guy!

Evidence (Film)

At first, I didn't think that this would even be any good. I came across it while changing channels in my ASTRO movies subscription and found it full of suspense with an interesting plot.

Evidence is a movie about a bunch of detectives investigating a massacre supposedly by a guy in a 'welding' mask, through series of videos shot by a few video and phone cameras only to find out the scenes were edited and set up to deceive.

I'd give this movie an 8/10 for being able to catch my attention and being mind-twisted. Honestly I did not expect the ending and watched it over and over again to find missing plots! If you watch a movie a few times again and again, it's a good movie, for sure...