Thursday 19 May 2016

2016 so far... DvDs

Gods of Egypt

My first impression of this movie is that it sounded lame. I mean "God of Egypt"? Couldn't the producers find a better title for a movie? The title sounded lazy and the posters look like a CGI crew advertisement. I thought it was just another Clash of the Titans movie with boring visual effects. Well, it was. However, I kinda liked it. The cast was filled with beautiful people and the love story as a sideline was sweet. Also, I loved the happy ending. We lack of those recently. A solid 8/10 for me. Loved it.

How to Be Single

If you're looking for a simple, casual funny movie, this would be it. I love how the writers made the story line a cliche at first, and twisted the plot to an unexpected ending. The cast is an average list of actresses but it was watchable. A movie with a lot of lessons to learn. I'd recommend this to my single friends if I had any. An 8/10 for me.

The 5th Wave 

I didn't know why I didn't watch this on the big screen, I chose to download instead. I also didn't know this movie was adapted from a book series. Oh well. Another post-apocalypse Sci Fi movie. Not much I can say about this. Chloe Moretz did a good job on this one. A good movie for teens, I guess. For me it was a little too light and predictable. A 6/10 for me. I'd watch it just for simple entertainment.

The Boy

A simple, cute Horror movie. Why cute? Because the storyline is soooo simple, you hardly need your brains to watch it. Also, no ghosts or demons. Just a creep living as a doll through the walls of an old house. It's the kind of movie they should put in Hallmark channel for me. A 6/10 for effort. I'd stick to James Wan level of Horrors.

2016 So Far... At the Cinema...

Batman Vs Superman 

All that was in my head during the movie is the song "It's Raining Men". Two hot male Actors kicking ass and each other. For me, the storyline was so-so. I didn't care much for it. Batman was emo all the time for no clear reasons and Superman was obsessed with Lois Lane. Nevertheless, this movie was worth watching at the big screen. Although I heard it was well critisized by supposedly "professional" film critiques, the common movie goers LOVED it. So Hail BVS, you rocked. An 8/10 for me.

Captain America 3 : Civil War

I had always been on Team Cap. It's obvious why, duh! He's extremely deliciously hot. RDJ is a little too egoistic for me, not my kinda guy. This movie was awesome, as expected. The script was well written and funny and the emotions! Man... So deep. Maybe it's coz Marvel did an excellent work relating all its movies with each other. There's a strong bond between the characters and you can feel it playing with your emotions. A 9.5/10 for me. The 0.5 missing only because I didn't like how things ended between Cap and Stark.

Huntsman : Winter's War

I watched this movie alone, while my Moosh was playing Magic Cards in the same mall. Yeah, we rock like that. This movie was okay to be watched once. I didn't like Emily Blunt playing the Snow Queen, they should have chosen someone at least as hot as Charlize. The storyline was alright, I guess. Very PG-13. The BEST part of this movie is the no-show of Snow White in person, she would have ruined it. A 7/10 for me, coz the CGIs were cool.

Disney's The Jungle Book

Surprisingly, this movie was good. I loved the storyline and the development of the characters. My moosh and I actually went to watch this only to sleep in the cinema coz we were tired that day. Turned out I loved it. I love how the child actor made this work with just a green screen and a director for imagination. I didn't watch the original cartoon so I can't really compare. A 8/10 for this movie. The one thing that bothers me is why the hell is there an Orang Utan in India?


Despite the hype about this movie being 18+, I didn't really enjoy it that much. For me the movie was trying too hard to be funny all the time. At one point, I forgot what the movie was about. Anyways, It's was alright to be watched on Valentine's day. A 6/10 for me. And I know many people will disagree. I just didn't find the jokes that funny.

The Other Side of The Door

A Horror movie set up in India, which is very uncommon. The movie was about a couple who lost their son in an accident and lived in guilt and misery. The whole movie was more sad than scary. The mother trying to have a closure for her son's death by bringing him back to life which is forbidden and end up having to sacrifice herself to make things right again. A good movie to watch when you have no other choice. An 8/10 scare scale. Do not watch alone.